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    Map your business processes towards an IT solution!

Business Process Management Solutions made easy! Check out our options and features included.

OrbFusion allows for Better Cost Control Improved Efficiencies Greater Visibility Streamlined Operations , while improving your Decision Making Ability.

OrbFusion aids in the automation and streamlining of your business processes by reducing redundant operations, whilst giving you control, visibility and traceability over your information.

Engage and Assess
Design and Optimise
Deploy and Monitor

Our Features

Rapidly Deployable

It is a rapidly deployable business process management solution with an extensive set of tools to handle the most complex business process requirements.


OrbFusion is a enteprise scalable solution. And provides a sustainable solution that grows with you.

Enforce Business Rules and Policies

Assists you to enforce your business policies and procedures.


Provides you access to a transparent audit trail.


Can connect to various databases and numerous systems simultaneously.


Enhances collaboration internally and externally.

Consolidate Information

Multiple data categories on one view means that you can access everything that you need in one view which aids in decision making.

Enforces Data Integrity

Increases data integrity through user and form based permission structures.

and more...

OrbFusion has specifically been developed to bridge the gaps between systems to ensure that all your organization’s business needs are met. This is achieved while simultaneously increasing your organization’s agility by improving your ability to respond to change while also promoting efficiency in your responses to the change within your organization’s environment.
OrbFusion has been developed to assist your organization in facilitating rapid change while still promoting simplicity. Despite being a sophisticated solution, it offers an interface which can easily be customized without the user needing extensive knowledge of complex code.
OrbFusion features a powerful workflow engine which offers robust functionality and visual process modelling. This is accompanied by a straight-forward visual toolset, which enables the rapid creation, deployment and maintenance of your business processes by offering a simple drag–and–drop interface.

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